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Winter Warmer | 6.7% ABV | 65 IBU

Details and Ingredients

Malt: Pale, Clear, Extra Special, Carapils, Roasted Barley

Hops: Bravo, Cascade, Delta, US Tettnang, East Kent Goldings

Availability: Seasonal

Embrace the comforting warmth of tradition with this festive winter ale. Embodying the spirit of celebration wince 1988, Jubelale features notes of spice, a robust malt character, hints of toffee and dusted cocoa. 

The rotating art on the Jubelale packaging features a wintry scene from a new artist every year. This year's artist is Evan Namkung from Bend, Oregon

"I chose colors and flow that represent calm, quiet, and peacefulness, which I associate with the holiday season. It's a time where things slow down and I can take time to appreciate what's around me and who I spend it with. The color choice of the elk has a clear point of warmth to represent energy, family and togetherness. Additionally, even though there is only one animal subject in the design, I wanted to choose an animal that is not solitary in nature (elk live in larger herds) to represent the spirit of the holidays and being with loved ones."

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