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Black Butte XXXV

Black Butte XXXV

Porter | 11.0% ABV | 40 IBU

Details and Ingredients

Availability: Year Round

Porter brewed with cherries, cocoa, and vanilla. To celebrate our 35th anniversary, we sought inspiration from a rich and bold German Black Forest cake. Black Butte Porter lays the framework for a perfect fusion of flavors with notes of cocoa, tart cherries and vanilla. Savor a special occasion with layered decadence. Cheers to 35 years!

Regular price $20.00
Regular price Sale price $20.00
Sale Sold out

We Ship to OR, VA, and DC (Learn More)

OR - No limits
VA - Limit 17 liters/customer/month
DC - Limit 8.5 liters/customer/month

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